Kevin Chang and CM Mak having their breakfast.

Rayfish and Sean having "roti canai" for breakfast.

Sivasankaran, Sean, Noel Ho, Jimmy Lim, CM Mak and Ben Neo.

Another early day at the tournament.

Lowen players warming up.

Making a tribal foosball statement... LOL.

Another statement... this time Fooscula.

The Lunch Club... chicken rice all around.

Tornado doubles partner, Sean and Jack.

Long time no see... Alison Francis with Jack and Lai Peng Yue.

Emelia and Samantha.

2002's Tornado Doubles Champion, Sean P'ng and Tan Win Hin (glad to see you out of retirement... :-)

Da Couple, Azlan and Vivien.

At the registration desk, Tournament Director Francis' updating the score sheets.

Pat and Joanne after their Ladies Singles game.

Ng Eng Hwai, Joel, Sivasankaran and Cheong Heng Ho.

Tornado Doubles partnership: Sivasankaran and Cheong Heng Ho

Tornado Doubles partnership: Billy and Raymond Kan.

Andy, Joel, Raymond, Shaun, Paul, Cheong, Billy and Edwin. In the background, Joane and Samantha having a chat.

A friendly game... but I can't recall the fooser names... well, except for Arif in the red cap.

Another couple pix... Oliver and Joanne.

CM Mak, Faizal, Lai Peng Yue, Kevin and Sara.

Bobby Tham and Alex Chong... the seniors... :-)

Brothers and partner, Kevin and Kenny Heng.

Young couple... Wen Yee and Adil.

Another young couple... Pat and Andy.

Lowen partners: Chia Soo and Edgar Phang.... Shaul sticking in at the last minute... :-)

Ewan and Din... Lowen 3rd place doubles winners.

"Talking to me," Raymond Tang.

Ahh... the Breakfast Club: Edwin, Eng Hwai, Jana, Joel and Robert.

Francis and Gary clearing up the tables in preparation for the Team Event.

Pai... our Ladies 2nd place Winner.

Francis and Chia Soo moving the tornado legs to the truck.

Nik Azwaa's sister and niece.

The prizes.

The guys helping out with shifting the tables.

Lets take a break... Joel, Pietro, Edwin and Eng Hwai at the trivia video game machine.

Raymond and Billy.

Another lovely couple Shaul and Jodie.

"Talk to the hand" Jimmy Lim getting ready the prizes.

Check out the Champion Trophies, Tornado and Lowen.

Lowen 1st Runner up, Shaul and Lowen Champion, Edgar Phang.

Alex Hing, Cheryl and Ben Neo. Long time no see Cheryl.

Groupie - Ben Neo, Paul, Eu Hock, Oliver, Tan Win Hin and Alex Chong.

Chua, Alex Chong and Claire, sharing recipes.

Billy... all the way from Johor.

Pack of foosers.

Jack almost reaching WAssSup stage.... without a drop of alcohol!!

Lim Yen Seng Receiving the 7th placing prize for Tornado Singles.

Joel receiving the 6th placing prize for Tornado Singles.

Raymond Kan receiving the 5th placing prize for Tornado Singles.

Sean P'ng receiving the 4th placing prize for Tornado Singles.

Jack Hii receiving the 3rd placing prize for Tornado Singles. Where? LOL.

Raymond Tang receiving the 2nd placing prize for Tornado Singles.

Ng Eng Hwai receiving the Champion prize for Tornado Singles.

Sunil receiving the 5th placing prize for Lowen Singles.

Gary receiving the 4th placing prize for Lowen Singles.

Firdaus receiving the 3rd placing prize for Lowen Singles.

Shaul Maricar receiving the 2nd placing prize for Lowen Singles.

Edgar Phang receiving the Champion prize for Lowen Singles.

Kays Pui receiving her 3rd placing prize for the Ladies Singles.

Pai receiving her 2nd placing prize for the Ladies Singles.

Samantha receiving her Ladies Singles Champion trophy and prize money.

Adil receiving the Tornado Doubles 8th Placing prizes for himself and Bobby Tham.

Edwin Ng and Joel receiving the Tornado Doubles 7th Placing prizes.

Raymond Kan and Billy Lim receiving the Tornado Doubles 6th Placing prizes.

Cheong Heng Ho and Siva Sankaran receiving the Tornado Doubles 5th Placing prizes.

Kenny and Kevin Heng receiving the Tornado Doubles 4th Placing prizes.

Charles and Julian receiving the Tornado Doubles 3rd Placing prizes.

Jana and Eng Hwai receiving the Tornado Doubles 2nd Placing prizes.

Sean P'ng and Tan Win Hin receiving the Tornado Doubles Champion prizes.

Eu Hock and Alex Chong receiving the Lowen Doubles 5th Placing prizes.

Edgar and Chia Soo receiving the Lowen Doubles 4th Placing prizes.

Ewan and Din receiving the Lowen Doubles 3rd Placing prizes.

Edgar and Sunil receiving the Lowen Doubles 2nd Placing prizes.

Firdaus and Nik receiving the Lowen Doubles Champion prizes.

Edgar Phang receiving the Champion's jacket for the Lowen Singles.

Ng Eng Hwai receiving the Champion's jacket for the Tornado Singles.

Firdaus and Nik receiving the Champion's jackets for the Lowen Doubles.

Tan Win Hin and Sean P'ng receiving the Champion's jackets for the Tornado Doubles.

Team Event 4th Placing winners: Joel, Heng Ho, Newton and Kevin

Team Event 3rd Placing winners: Eng Hwai, Edwin Ng, Kenng Heng and Paul Ooi.

Team Event 2nd Placing winners: Oliver, Sean P'ng, Edmund Chui and Edgar.
Champion of Champions Singles
Ng Eng Hwai
Champion of Champions Doubles
Sean P'ng and Tan Win Hin
Tornado Singles
Champion - Ng Eng Hwai
2nd Placing - Raymond Tang
3rd Placing - Jack Hii
4th Placing - Sean P'ng
5th Placing - Raymond Kan
6th Placing - Joel Michael Aeria
7th Placing - Lim Yen Seng
8th Placing - Chin Teik Eng
Tornado Doubles
Champion - Sean P'ng and Tan Win Hin
2nd Placing - Ng Eng Hwai and Janathan Jelian
3rd Placing - Charles and Julian
4th Placing - Kevin Heng and Kenny Heng
5th Placing - Sivasankaran and Cheong Heng Ho
6th Placing - Raymong Kan and Billy Lim
7th Placing - Edwin Ng and Joel Michael
8th Placing - Adil Sayeed and Bobby Tham
Lowen Singles
Champion - Edgar Phang
2nd Placing - Shaul Maricar
3rd Placing - Admad Firdaus
4th Placing - Gary Jansen
5th Placing - Sunil Vijayan
Lowen Doubles
Champion - Admad Firdaus and Nik Azwaa
2nd Placing - Shaul Maricar and Sunil Vijayan
3rd Placing - Ewan and Din Syazman
4th Placing - Edgar Phang and Lim Chia Soo
5th Placing - Alex Chong and Ng Eu Hock
Tornado Ladies Singles
Champion - Samantha Wong Siew Fun
2nd Placing - Nur Farzura
3rd Placing - Kays Pui
Tornado Team Event
Champion - Raymong Tang, Ryan Tan, Chin Teik Eng & Janathan Jelian
2nd Placing - Sean P'ng, Oliver Yong, Edgar Phang and Edmund Chui
3rd Placing - Ng Eng Hwai, Paul Ooi, Kenny Heng and Edwin Ng
4th Placing - Joel Michael Aeria, Newton Ng, Cheong Heng Ho and Kevin Heng
Tornado Mixed Doubles
Champion - Sean P'ng and Emilia Ismail
2nd Placing - Shazrina Azman and M. Zulkarnain
3rd Placing - Joanne Seaton and Oliver Yong
Champion - Sean P'ng and Cyrus Foo
2nd Placing - Edwin Ng and Chin Teik Eng
3rd Placing - Joel Michael Aeria and Gavin Khoo