Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Malaysia Foosball Open 2016 Tournament

I just received a tournament invitation from Gavin of Foosball Community Malaysia today. I am so happy to see that foosball is still well and active.

Being way out of touch for so long and only just recently started to migrate my old site, I was actually very happy to find out about the Malaysia Foosball Open tournament to be held in September 2016.

I will definitely be there to check it out. If you want to find out more about this open tournament, you can visit Foosball Community Malaysia on Facebook -

For the Malaysia Foosball Open 2016 tournament, check out the event flyer here -

In the weeks or months to come, I will make an effort to check out the foosball scene and perhaps get in touch with some of the old timers. Heck... I do not even know what is the prevailing foosball table of choice today. Hmm... I wonder if the Tornado tables are still around?

It will definitely be a trip to find out. And when I do, I will certainly update here. Cheers.